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Black Rock! O Melhor do METAL e CLASSIC ROCK!

Napalm Death – Throes Of Joey In The Jaws of Defeatism ( Lp – Vinil Translucido )

R$ 210,00 R$ 178,50

Track list:

Lado A:
Fuck the Factoid
Backlash Just Because
That Curse of Being in Thrall
Joie de ne pas vivre
Invigorating Clutch

Lado B:
Zero Gravitas Chamber
Fluxing of the Muscle
Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism
Acting in Gouged Faith
A Bellyful of Salt and Spleen

1 em estoque

Lançamento em Versão Nacional com LP Translucido.

Peso ,400 g
Dimensões 14 × 14 × 14 cm

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